Our Programs

All of our programs are designed with the idea of giving youth options and opportunities. The idea for all programs come from our daily interactions with the youth. Communicating their concerns and trusting us with their feelings is something we don't take lightly and strive to assist in any way we can.


Our mentoring program pairs our youth with professionals in various industries.The goal is to give them insight/information to help plot a path to success in that industry.We are always looking for individuals who are willing to volunteer their time and expertise to help guide our youth.

Food Card Program

To many, Canada is very much a third world country.The ability to house and feed your family is a very difficult task. Terms like “food insecurity “is a conscious easing term, it’s more dire than that.There are many families having to choose between what basic necessities to go without.Our food card program helps a few families make up for the shortfall that they face.

Mobile Book Program

Our book swap program aims to revive the excitement of a new book and the anticipation of going on a new adventure (in your mind) that comes with reading. The program takes books that you have already read and offers you the opportunity to exchange/swap it for another one.

If you don't have a book to swap, you can start your collection with a free book.

Community House League

Building bridges, sometimes it sounds as easy as constructing a physical structure to connect two points; however, it sometimes takes destroying some things old and re-establishing some new. That takes time, patience and a willingness to be corrected. This is the goal of our community basketball program. Building bridges, opening minds and the avenues of communication within our communities. The term community is not a geographical area, but shared socio-economic stresses and frustrations. A collection of minds open to discussion is what's needed to help to fix issues that infect our community. 

The first step is to bring everyone together, and sports has been proven to be one of the tools that does that.

Presto Card Program

Our goal is to help provide options and opportunities for youth in our inner city communities. Part of taking advantage of the options and opportunities offered is being present. Present not only mentally, but also physically. at’s the purpose of our presto card program. Giving youth the ability to be present.